
19 December 2012

Two fantastic guys

I took part in a Secret Santa back in 2008 and was SOOO lucky to be paired up with Carol Amich (battatter) who sent me these little guys.

They remain hidden in a secret but safe place at the back of a drawer and only come out at Christmas.  Even then I put them somewhere safe when the grandkids come along as I find it very hard to resist pleas of 'can I have one, nanny'?

Aren't they just the cutest guys and isn't Carol just THE most talented lady in this free form tatting?  An even bigger question - aren't I the luckiest person in the world to receive these?


  1. super cute they are! luckiest jane you are!

  2. Jingle Santa hangs on our tree too! - but his beard is wonky because al those years ago I had NO idea what I was doing!
    Yes, you are very lucky indeed.

  3. they are very cute, Carol is a very talented lady. and you are very lucky to be her friend. Have a good day Jane. Merry Christmas and a very Happy Tatting New Year

  4. They are the precious. You are very lucky and Carol is extremely talented.

  5. Anonymous1:33 pm

    These are so unusual! what a tallent Carol has.

  6. They brought a smile to my face. What fun!

  7. They are cute and so unique!
