
20 December 2012


Now a couple of days ago I had this Christmas card and gifts.

I opened the larger than normal envelope to find them inside.  Well, I thought to myself, what a pretty card.  I was just going to put it down when the 'alarm bells' went off from brain cell 3.  He said - yer daft old moo (or git - didn't quite catch what he said) - look closer at the Christmas tree card.

When I took another look I realised that it was a tree covered in trees!!!  Geraldine (blog link here) said she'd made 30 of this tree pattern for presents.  That lass has a lot more stamina than me - I got bored after about six!!!

Thank you, Geraldine - I'll be putting that in my 'to keep' drawer after Christmas.


  1. Great to see so many christmas trees in a tree. I didn't make one yet, but you inspired me to make a bobbin lace version (see my blog). Love, Corina

  2. What a special card! Geraldine certainly had a lot of patience to make so many! But it's a real testament to the feasibility of your clever pattern which is on my 'must try list!r

  3. What a wonderful card, gorgeous trees.

  4. Very nice. I like the eyes on the Santa and the reindeer candy canes. Very cute.
