
9 January 2013

Doily finished

Here it is - finished!!  Must admit I enjoyed making my first doily in years.  Well, apart from my one attempt to design one myself!!!!  

One or two people knew straight away which doily I was doing and here's the link to my previous post on it!!!

So, I won't bore you with any more about it but hope you like my colour choices.  

Oh, before I wander off I must mention the colours used on the last round - they were, once more, Lizbeth threads and the numbers are 618 and 641

I've really enjoyed the mixing and playing  with the colours as much as making my old favourite once more.  I'm sort of tempted to make it again but in HWT but it will depend on whether I can get the right colour combinations with the threads I've got to work with.  It looks a lot of thread in the drawer but putting colours together in HWT does take a lot of thought.  

Time will tell but I won't!!!!!


  1. Amazing colors and design!!! Great job! Congratulations!

  2. What a lovely doily! I had a peek at your silk doily from long ago - that looks lovely, too, but different as well!

  3. I love the fun colors! Your beautiful doily would brighten up any room!

  4. Anonymous11:17 am

    This is just beautiful Jane, the colours are lovely, I like the edging to the pattern!

  5. It is beautiful, Jane. Looking forward to the TIAS.

  6. Amazing how the colours blend into the doily , great pattern

  7. Beautiful! Isn't it wonderful that there are so many colours available to work with now?

  8. I love how you pump up the color volume! It brings such positive energy to (considered by some) "old-fashioned" laces. Not old fashioned in the slightest, IMHO. Simply magnificent!

  9. I really love this Jane!! It's so pretty!! <3

  10. This is gorgeous, Jane and I know doilies aren't your thing! Love the colors.

  11. Gorgeous, why am I always too scared of colors? This looks great, it reminds me of a dreamcatcher.

  12. Your colorful doily is amazing! It brightened my day, for sure. Congratulations on finishing!

  13. This is a beautiful doily. The color combinations are outstanding!

  14. Oh how beautiful!!! :)

  15. A joyful and exuberant colour display! I just wish that the designers of the original leaflet could see it.
