
8 January 2013

My bestest Christmas present

Well this is the best gift I could've had for Christmas and Nick bought it for me.  It's a set of drawers as you can see.  I realised after my last lot of threads came from Handy Hands that I'd outgrown my tatting cupboard!!!

Well, that's not strictly true - I could still get all the threads in the cupboard but they were all crammed into two large ziplock bags which were a pain to get out and then open to look and choose which colours to use.  I spotted this set of drawers online and dropped a few hints, found a place for it to 'live' and Bob's yer uncle - Santa (aka Nick) got the hint!!!!

As you can see - it's easy to keep the threads organised as the drawers are the right colours!!  So, in the top drawer I have pink, next yellow/orange colours (third picture) and so on down until the bottom two (real green and dark pink).  In those two bottom drawers I have my wonderful, wonderful stash of HDT all wound onto Ezy bobs and all my 'small experimental' threads that I use for HWT (hand wound threads).  
Of course there are a lot of odds and ends still in the original containers in the cupboard and they can be mixed and matched to the Lizbeth too.


  1. Had the same problem as you. Found a stack of draw's in IKEA and have done the same as you. You will find it so much easier. Colour's next to each other work out that you would not have but together as a rule. Have fun.

  2. I have a set of those drawers too! - but they are a bit smaller than yours and don't hold everything.
    So you are all tided away for the New Year.

  3. Well, I have not reached the stage where I would need that many drawers for my thread - hmm... is that good or bad?

    Nice that you got your wish.

  4. Anonymous10:45 am

    This is a great idea, I have a similar thing but the drawers are wire baskets and they don't look as tidy as yours.

  5. Ah, Jon, I've still got a few balls from when I was in my teens and twenties amongst that lot in the cupboard!! I still use them too!!!
    Jane - organised for now but I wonder how long it'll last!!!!
    Geraldine - I didn't think to look in Ikea, darn it.

  6. That's a great organizer! I wonder if I have enough thread to fill one? I guess I could always go shopping! ;-)

  7. Wow! Colored coded drawers, now that's organized! Great idea and execution!

  8. What a great idea! Santa's helper did good.

  9. What a colorful way to store your threads and add a splash of color to the area it's in. :)

  10. Nice job to let Santa know exactly what you needed! My threads and 'stuff' is in a cabinet of 3 deep drawers and everything gets lost. Maybe a visit to Ikea is what I need, after finding a place to house it.

  11. I do a fraction of the tatting that you do, but I had so many balls of thread that I was forced to do the same. :) I use an old laundry basket to keep my tatting books and pamphlets, and it is nearly full. I think that I have stepped into the realm of hoarding!

  12. You must have been such a very good girl, this year, Jane, to receive such a treasure from Santa! YAHOO!

    Rosemarie, you haven't even begun to dip your toe into thread hoarder territory. Come look at my stash! LOL!
