
14 January 2013

I've been meaning to

First of all - tomorrow will be Day 2 of the Tat It And See so I'll be up early - well early for an oldie like me!!!!

I've been meaning to do this pattern again for ages but not on a cabone ring.

First of all I tried to make a simple middle for it but one which would allow an easy 'progress' from there to the split rings on the inner round.  No luck.  Then I decided to try it replacing the joins to the cabone ring with beads.  It actually works REALLY well just like that!!!  Maybe I'll have another go - another day but who knows!!!

I'd also got a weeeeee bit of thread left on a couple of shuttles that I'd been using for a design idea so as there wasn't enough to make anything big out of I decided to have a go at one of these emotitats.  Maybe I'll move them to the doodle page as they're really useful for the odd bits left on shuttles.  This is my favourite one for obvious reasons!!!  I LOVE smiling and making others smile!!!


  1. Mission accomplish! It made me smile Jane!

  2. Really beautiful motif and fun smiley!!! :)

  3. Such pretty thread. Hmmm, I haven't tatted your emoticons for a while. They are fun.

  4. Must have a go at that emotitat , looks quick and easy, my sort of tatting at the moment!

  5. Your Smiley is so cute and cheerful!
