
15 January 2013

Two more hearts and TIAS day 2

Here are two links for Day 2 of the TIAS. This link is for the more cautious tatter who doesn't want to tackle a split chain. This link is for the intrepid tatter who doesn't mind the challenge!!! You can easily change your mind if the split chain doesn't work out and do a cut and tie if you like. I leave it to you. Help is at hand if you want it and my email address can be found at the side of the blog.

Also more of the hearts with buttons on. Am I obsessing over these now? I don't think so - just need more odds and ends to put in my 'just in case' or 'just because' box. This is a box of these sorts of odds and ends that I can turn to when I want to give somebody something. I call them 'just because' gifts. No occasion or obvious reason but 'just because' I want to give them something.


  1. A Just Because Box sounds like a very good idea - I think I may have to have one too!
    The pink and yellow heart is my favourite today.

  2. More great hearts!! :)

  3. I love your hearts! And I am following your TIAS, but I haven´t taken time to take any pictures of my work yet! I´m guessing that it´s going to bee a basket with flowers in...I have to guess at something!

  4. Those are very pretty. I would love to learn to tat with beads. I am currently a needle tatter but just got a book and DVD to learn how to shuttle tat too. I love your work.

  5. Your hearts are wonderful. The heart with yellow button quite cheerful!!!
