
1 January 2013

Tat It And See starting soooooon.

Before I forget - Happy New Year and TIAS (Tat It And See).  

The date that the Tat It And See will start is going to be Friday 11th January at 08:45 GMT.  The link to the introduction is here and this is what you'll need to have ready.  Note - for those of a nervous disposition - there are NO beads involved this time!!

This year there will be a small 'split' in the pattern.  This is for those who are of a cautious nature and who don't want to tackle split chains.  There are only 2 and they're only a few doubles long but ............

All details of what you'll need are on the introduction but I'm bound to have forgotten something!  Please contact me if there's anything missing or if there's any further information you need.


  1. i am so excited jane!!!

  2. That's my sister's birthday, so I will have two things to look forward to on the 11th! - and I'm glad that I don't have to do the split chain.

  3. Happy new year
    I am looking forward to the new TiAS

  4. Hallo Jane, happy new year to you!Ohh thank you for taking all the efforts for us! As I was offline a long time I had been wondering if you would do it again or not, just a few days ago, went by here... and today, tada, you are anouncing it ... Thanks Gunhild and Pimboli :-)

  5. Let the splits begin! Can't wait!
    Happy New Year and hope it stops raining!

  6. Happy New Year! dear Jane. May 2013 bring you as much happiness and pleasure as you give us through your blog and generous sharing of patterns and technique pages. Of course there are no beads (after I carefully made sure that I transferred a multi-purpose assortment of colors and sizes to itty-bitty baggies to bring south to the house without beads....).

    Off to check the TIAS intro and make sure that I at least have the appropriate threads...

    All the best to you in 2013, and always. (exits, stage left, chanting) T-I-A-S! T-I-A-S! T-I-A-S!

  7. Bother! The only variegated thread that I have available (nestled in the middle of the 'can't miss with this lot' bead selection) is size 40. Will that work?

  8. No worries, Suzanne, 40 will be fine. You can make the whole thing in 40 or whatever. I just suggested variegated as it'll look prettier IMHO!!!! I'm NOT saying any more than that!!!!

  9. Can't wait to start tatting see what it is! I've never played along before, so I am excited about this!

  10. Hate, hate, hate split chains, your challenge dear sister is for me not to hate them in the year of 2013 - but until then will do the other version of the TIAS

  11. Let the games begin can't wait for the 11th or 12th in my case at about 5.45am in the morning. Bother will be at work, well something to make the morning pass quickly. off to print out the into and wind my shuttles.

  12. Jacqui Southworth12:10 pm

    Back in Florida Jane and raring to go :-)

  13. i'm in again this year too!

  14. make me tat every year...and i'm, looking forward for this year too...

  15. Nikki8:38 pm

    Ooo I was just looking through my tatting notes and saw a split chain instruction, and realized I never did one before....and now I can try it! I can't wait!

  16. I am ready for it. Love the TIAS. I usually have the wrong color but whatever it is will go with my blue rooster and my red hippo. They were very cute on my Christmas tree.

  17. And due to family stuff, I'll miss starting with everyone else. Maybe I'll get to see the 1st step by Monday.
