
22 February 2013

Both small cats and Godzilla

Another 'before I start' post.  We've now got 95 prams (beginning to think we might 'beat the goats' in numbers) but I'd love you to read Katharine's comment which tickled me to bits.  More about her sense of humour below.

First I want to show you the two cats together so you can get an idea of how they could look.

I love to see what people have done with my patterns but this one came as a shock!!!!  This is the pattern - a kangaroo and joey.  Imagine my shock at seeing what Katharine has done with it.  Shock but WHAT a hoooooot.  Don't you just love people's imaginations?  This one even breathes fire!!!  Thanks for a humungous giggle, Katharine.


  1. So a leaf can become fire; and a kangaroo can turn into a dragon, breathing it! - Versatile pattern.

  2. Love the modification. Very ingenious. It certainly gives another twist about thinking outside the box.

  3. Godzilla is great! Literally a twist on your gecko...

    1. Oops, it's a twist on your kangaroo... :-)
