
21 February 2013

Small cat stretching up

Just when you thought it was safe to visit this blog - this is what happens!!!  Another feline appears.  This is part of the reason you never got the other cat until yesterday.  Not only did I have problems with tweaking that cat but this one just didn't want to be designed back then!!!

When I remembered the two patterns a week or so ago I just picked up this one and it 'happened' straight away!!!  No idea why sometimes I struggle and other times things fall off the shuttles.

Anyway - here's the companion to yesterday's cat!!!!


  1. Wonderful sense of movement in both kitties.

  2. Two lovely cats, I like the patterns, I did not have time yesterday to comment so this for both of the cats. The colours you used are lovely makes them look more cat like.

  3. If I were a cat person...

    I think I'll take a second look at some of the creepy crawlies that my grandson would like, and then I'll look at the cats again! ;-)

  4. When I saw yesterday's cat, I thought it would be perfect on a plain linen teatowel; and now that the stretching cat is here, they would look wonderful together.
    Shall file the thought away for a future gift for my cat-loving friend in Sydney.

  5. This is wonderful for those of us who know cat people! My sister is going to love her birthday present, today's and yesterday's! Thank you

  6. oh, that is a very nice cat.
    You are so talented Jane.

  7. I absolutely loved yesterday's cat so much that I took out my shuttles and tatted one. The pose is so real and life-like. This one is so playful. Thank you, Jane.

  8. Pippa was quite proud of herself (well, more than USUAL ) when she saw she was immortalized in tatting. Her Mom has yet to make one, but fully intends to do so. She LOVES the kitty patterns. You can tell you have watched cats. LOL Pippa and I thank you for sharing. love “p"
