
20 February 2013

Small cat.

First of all - thank you to everybody for your comments and private messages about the TIAS.  There will be another next year and it will be mainly the same as before but with one or two small improvements.  Please check this link too to see the three TIAS's sent in yesterday - there's a surprise on there!!!!

I have been clearing out my computer with a confession or several to make.  

This little moggy was started and was ready to go about two years ago but I wasn't quite happy with parts of him so he got forgotten!!!!  I also wanted to make a companion too!!!!  I like animals to be 'doing something' sometimes so this little critter was 'born'.

I've got his alter ego nearly ready to go too and just hope that I get time today to finish him off.  It's the links and uploading odds and ends which seem to take the time.  Anyway, enough rambling - happy tatting!!!!


  1. So cute cat, wonderful pattern! WOW !

  2. Love it! I must make one in dark grey like my kitty Teleris! Thanks so much for sharing the pattern.

  3. Anonymous9:04 am

    The thread colour makes me think of a Siamese cat. :) One of my favourite breeds. (Well, okay, they're all faves, but 'Meezers do have a special place in my heart.)

  4. Love the kitty. Want to make a couple for mine. Need to dye the right color thread first! You are so creative.

  5. You have an amazing talent to create animals from tatting!!! :)

  6. Ah, Jane... what goes on in that noggin!!! Fun cat!
    Fox : ))

  7. Purfect! Have seen this little fellow progress and now really looking forward to making kitty.

  8. You must have read my mind, I wanted a small cat for a birthday card and this fit's the bill. He/she is beautiful.

  9. This is great Jane! I fell in love with him last week during our glad I can tat him now! As for the TIAS...are the small changes anything that we talked about? If so, I can have my TIAS up and ready to roll right after Shuttlebirds!
