
26 February 2013

Snowflake with big bead in centre

First of all - please take a moment to read today's TIAS blog for an explanation of the failings of brain cell three!!!!  I have also amended yesterday's file to give thread quantities.  Must've had a bad few days with the aged brain!!!!

Now I'm playing with another of the old patterns - this one.  I've put a bead in the centre just like I did with the old one.  I'm off into the loft later to see if I can find the magazines that had the originals in - watch this space!!!

I'm pretty pleased with this idea but I want to try something new and exciting out too.  Well, it might not be new but it's certainly exciting!!!  Watch this space!!!


  1. It is super cute!

  2. Anonymous12:46 pm

    I love the bead.

  3. If Brain Cell #3 has occasional lapses, it's only because it's 'overactive'! And my hat is off to anyone with an 'intermediary hard wifi disc'! You're way ahead of me in computer savvy! (Although I DO have a "MiFi" for traveling with my tablet !) Please be careful in the attic! I just was wondering when you were featured in a magazine and how it all came about! I didn't know the magazine was 'hidden away' with the big spiders! You're so accommodating to go and hunt for it!!
