
14 February 2013

Valentine's Day - a non event!

So today I present you with the 'not a lot else' side of my tatting blog!!!!!

These earrings (yes, there is a pair - somewhere) were found buried in a basket in one of my favourite charity shops.  I was with Sally at the time (a few months ago) and she didn't spot them!!!!  Her loss - my gain!!!

So they came home and have since been taken apart ready for Valentines Day.  What happened next?  Precisely NOTHING!!!  They're still waiting in 'tat corner' for attention.

I forgot to show Sherry last Saturday which may have made me do something with them if I had!!!  So, I suggest you come back next year to see if anything has happened to them by then!!!!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day, Jane! Send me some of them!

  2. These doodad earrings are useful and seeing we have trouble buying doodads in this country it's one way of getting our hands on them. Now when I am shopping and see some cheap jewellery I have a look to see if there are any earring I can break up and use as doodads. I found six pairs in Crete last year in holiday, as yet I have not used any of them but they are there ready for me to use.

  3. Oooh! They look fantastic! I wish I had some of those pretty filigree hearts to tat around.... I'm sure Brain Cell no.3 will shoot into action eventually and you will present us with something pretty, heart-shaped!

  4. What a great find! I'm sure you'll do something terrific with these little hearts. I'll try to be patient and wait until next year to see what you do with them. ;-)

  5. Anonymous11:43 am

    Hearts and more hearts! You're ever the hoot, Jane!!
    I've been slow to finish the TIAS, but I will--and I really like the pram! Too many grands out of their prams around here for me to catch up.
    tatty hugs,
    Katie V in NC

  6. Next time I will see the bargains before you, so beware big sister!!

  7. Happy Valentines Day! Jane, oh what fun, new doodads. Brain Cell #3 will have a blast.

  8. I am jealous of all your findings..... Now I am waiting to see what comes out of it.

  9. Looking forward to see what you make with them. I know it will be delightful. Karen in OR
