
28 August 2017

A new snowflake

Well this has been brewing in the raddled old brain for a while. It's really a generic pattern that's been invented a million times before.  BUT not with the bugle beads added in this way!!! 

I have seen bugles added but having read the reports on how it's done I was concerned. The things I've read suggest that the bugles were put onto a measured picot. Now we all know that a 'measured' picot is very hard to do and to get exactly to the designer's measurements. 

So, BC3 got busy and started thinking about it. Surely there must be another way of doing it that doesn't rely on a measured picot. Also the fact that bugle beads do vary in length too - slightly.  There's got to be a 'safer' way of doing it!

So, as you'll remember, I did a technique page on this which is here. I'd added the bugles to a ring on this occasion but obviously they can also be added to a chain too. 

That 'excursion' led to this pattern.  Now all I've got to do is finish the new pattern - picture below.


  1. Ooh, I really like this one.

  2. This looks like a lovely Christmas pattern, and I know that I have some bugle beads, but they are the small ones. I don't suppose that matters!

  3. Gotcha!!! Now I've worked out how it was done!! Yes!! Think my own particular BC3 has been away on holiday for the whole of August, and returned just now! VBG

    Looks pretty! So write the pattern down for peeps please!!

  4. This is a great pattern, certainly going to be a hit at Christmas. Yes already tatted it thanks to big sister giving me the pattern last night!

  5. Well, Maureen, size does 'matter' in this case but I'm working on that at the moment. I've been looking through my bugle beads and they're mostly ¼" which is what I based the design on. I have one lot that is slightly over that size (stitch count being worked on right now) and one tube that is 1". Nuff said!!!

  6. It's a pretty easy technique, Pigmini, better than struggling to get the 'right sized' picot using a gauge!!!!

  7. Fabulous snowflake!!! :) I love the color of the beads!! :)

  8. It's a cutie I struggle with those beads they cut my thread, I must be to brutal with my tatting 😂

  9. Very pretty Jane. Can't wait to try it. Thank you

  10. I've changed my email address, so I'm having a struggle sending comments. I'll try again. I love the snowflake. I feel inspired to give it a try. Thanks Jane.

  11. This may well be this year's Christmas ornament. Love it! Now to find some good bugle beads...

  12. Well Elesa I have another idea (well two, actually) to 'avoid' the bugle beads. Hold tight till the end of the week!!!!
