
29 August 2017

Back to my favourite colours

There's something about these two colours together that just make me feel good!!! I'd never have thought of putting them together if it hadn't have been for an 'accidental collision' in my thread sorting a while back!!!

Edit to this post - the colours are both Lizbeth and the numbers are 664 and 691.

Again I've done another Rosemarie Peel Rachel mat. So addicted to this pattern and every time I'm surprised by the star at the end. Little things please little minds!!!


  1. Don't just tease us with this lovely combo and not tell us us the thread colors! Shame on you!!! Just kidding!

  2. I do like that color combination! I guess I should pull my copy of the book of the shelf and tat one just so I can say I'm keeping up with you! ;-)

  3. Looks wonderful!!! :)

  4. Be careful, Diane, I'm warning you it's VERY addictive!!!

  5. Linv54 - the colours are both Lizbeth and the numbers are 664 and 691. I'll update the post in case others want to know!!
