
18 December 2017

I have a plan.

It's 'plan B' and it's going to work out just fine. 

Least that's what BC3 keeps telling me!!! I've started a green diamond star and just hope that we both remember to join it to the pink when the time comes!!!


  1. I love your colours and the motif is very pretty. Any idea about the finished item yet? Doily? Table-runner?

  2. Not a clue, craftie sylvie!!!! Typical of me. I'll stop when I'm fed up with it!!! It's the joy of making that keeps me going - the finished item will probably finish up in one of the boxes where my tatting ends it's day!!!

  3. Oh, victats, you know me too well!! Of course it is!!

  4. It's looking awesome already!!! :)

  5. that looks very good. I am so glad you have access to BC3, some of us are not that fortunate

  6. Hope that cunning plan involves putting it in a dark envelope with my address on the outside... and giving it to the nearest carrier pigeon to deliver... promise to look after all concerned!!! Vbg
