
16 December 2017


Well I finished the pink diamond star but I went and forgot to join the two points to the purple 'star' so I'll have to look for another plan. Plan B, I guess.

I was afraid this would happen. Simply because I was stressed and not concentrating on what I was doing. Ah well, I think I know how to solve this problem without undoing anything. Hope to show you sometime next week. 

I think next week I maybe a bit quieter as somebody told me it was the Silly Season coming. I think it's commonly known as Christmas!!!!  Just another day on the calendar!!!!  


  1. As long as you don't have to get to plan D you'll be alright! Pretty in pink.

  2. Ah, those mistakes can get us every time! I like Jane's comment about plan D. I guess all we can do is keep trying. I do like the pink!

  3. Hmmm.... my sort of mastike that!! LOL Looks good though!

  4. I would thread a needle with pick tatting thread and carefully sew it together and hide the ends like I do with my projects. I know you don't care for that method but in this case it would save time.

  5. Your star is fabulous!!! :)

  6. Can you tie the missed picots together then see threads in . Seriously you can’t tell you tied together. I’ve done this when made oops!

  7. The answer to my stupidity is underway although I’ve now been distracted by the need to finish the scarf!! It’s gone cold again!

  8. Make third star and join to both?

  9. That's exactly what I've done, Martha. Just need to scan and blog it now!!!
