
21 February 2018

19 diamonds completed

Further progress has been made and now it's time to make a decision. 

To go further or not go further - that is the question!!! 

As you'll see on this round I've alternated red stars and others. I feel as if this mat should have another round but not sure. Time to stand back and think before taking the plunge - if I do!!!

I'm still enjoying this as pure relaxation so to continue sort of makes sense.


  1. All depends on what you're doing with it Miss... where you're putting it and how big it needs to be...

    Looking good so far though, and needs to be out on display rather than in tatting corner!! Vbg

  2. Don't be ridiculous, Pigmini. How on earth would I know the answer to any of those questions, eh? You know me better than that!!!

  3. Why stop now? Looking good!

  4. In the small blog photo the colours look more or less solid, but when you tap on the photo to enlarge it, there is a riot of colours. I love the ways the ‘red’ stars and the ‘taupe’ stars pull it together colour-wise, but if you keep the hexagonal shape then that’s 18 more stars! That’s a lot of tatting. Either way, whatever you do Jane, it will be wonderful!

  5. I think you should press on with it, maybe a broad border which is different from the stars? That would look wonderful.

  6. At this stage, if you were to stop, you could make it the topper on a quilted wall hanging.

  7. I feel like I'm cheering you on and want to say make a wrap out of it, and wear it all around town, thats what I would do!

  8. Whatever makes you happy! It's beautiful as it is, but I understand the temptation to tat more.

  9. It is totally awesome!!! :)

  10. That's a good idea, Maureen!

  11. Madtatter80 - that's a good idea but I think peeps would think I'm a tad bonkers!!!

  12. Whatever you decide to do, this would make a wonderful display item for Shuttlbirds next year. And yes, that is a direct HINT.

  13. Oh, Patti, you don't miss a trick, do you?!?!?!?
