
14 February 2018

I wonder?

I wonder how old this weird safety pin is and what or who would use it?

I was doing yet another tidy up of the tatting cupboard and discovered it lurking in a box. I thought you'd like to see it.

I can't even remember where it came from so no good asking me.  Over to you guys!!!


  1. Is it a bodkin of some sort?

  2. I don't think so as it's not smooth enough!!!!

  3. I was thinking the Sam thing as the other Jane, it a weird one🤔

  4. That is odd! I've never seen anything like it.

  5. Maybe it's meant to be decorative?

  6. Maybe its so you can find it. That thing is LOOOONNGG.

  7. It's not really pretty enough to be decorative, Sewicked. Tim, the only way you could lose it and find it again is if you sat on it!!! OWCH!

  8. I don't know the size of this pin thing but me thinks it is used to put the ribbon into the front of your corset. Just to get it through the eyelets of something. Well that's what came to mind.

  9. Now that sounds most likely, Bernice. Thanks.

  10. That's what I was about to suggest too!! Great minds think alike Bernice!!

  11. Just wondering if this pin gadget is for a boutonniere. Is it hollow inside, to hold the stem of a flower?

  12. It's for threading elastic into yer knickers Jane...
    I have me Mom's one somewhere...

  13. Interesting, Sue, as it would catch on the edges of the fabric, I'd have thought. I've tried and tried googling it and nobody else has come up with the answer. I'm taking it to a specialist fabric place next week to see what they think. Thanks for that - if I hear it's anything else I'll let you know - meantime I'm sticking to your theory!!!
