
13 February 2018

While the TIAS is going on

While the TIAS is going on I'm working on several other things quietly in the background and when I've got the odd few minutes here and there. 

The diamond project continues but is now becoming a 'take out and about' with me piece. I tend to take it to the craft groups I go to as (believe it or not) I can actually remember the pattern now!!!! That's pretty good considering BC3 is getting on a bit now!!!

I have several patterns that I'm also re-visiting and updating too. I'll be letting you know about those in due course.

Meanwhile I now have 12 star shapes done although that's not quite right as I've done a few more since this photo was taken!!!


  1. It's looking good... what will you do with it when it's finished???

  2. I love it! I especially like that blue one in the bottom right corner. ;-)

    My allergy to split rings is causing me quite a bit of trouble. I have now taken out more split rings than I have tatted. I'm about to snip off what I have and start over. I have a lot of catching up to do!

  3. This is beautifully done🌟it reminds me of several things country quilt in a way love the multiple colors too🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  4. Oh dear about the split rings. I'll have to come over the pond to take you in hand!!!!!

  5. Thank you, Madtatter80

  6. Oh wow!!! It looks so awesome already!!!! :)

  7. Wow, looks like you've been having fun.

  8. You could make a stunning wall hanging with it.
