
29 March 2019

Fleur’s heart

I have a fan. Yes, it's true. She's a darling but she doesn't know about tatting yet. 

Her family have moved into the house opposite us but have currently moved out while they're having it upgraded - plumbing, heating, windows, extensions etc. What a nightmare. Anyway she's living with mum, dad and big sister with her 'Glammy' (grandma) a few doors along the road. Apparently she gets very excited when she sees me and calls me 'MY JANE'!!!! 

When I saw the family last week Fleur was telling me that her new bedroom is opposite us at the front of the house and I've promised to wave to her!!! She also told me it was painted pink! I bet you all knew what colour I was going to say before I even opened my mouth - or tapped the keys on the keyboard!! 

So BC3 (who was getting jealous) decided that if my attention was going to be taken away to Fleur (who, by the way, is about three years old) then he'd want some himself. Thus a heart was made. More to come on this later!


  1. Your fan sounds cute! That heart is gorgeous and I can't wait to hear more!!

  2. Anonymous12:59 pm

    Gorgeous! You have lots of fans across the pond, too, but we're not as cute as your newest fan. :D

  3. You will be more than ever 'my Jane' to Fleur. Very special.

  4. Totally outstanding heart!!!! :) She will love it!! :)

  5. This is a sweet story! And this is a beautiful heart! I so admire your ideas on using beads.
