
28 March 2019

Coriolis - another round

Another round of the Coriolis is done. I must get this pattern up on the web site soon as it wasn't chosen for teaching at Palmetto. So many things to do and so little time, eh?

Looking at this I feel it needs a border. I'm going to experiment to see what will/will not work. The outer 'points' on the final round do 'flop about' a bit so I feel they need to be tamed. I wonder if there's a lion tamer around who could give me some advice!!!!

This is going to be quite a challenge to do, I think. I want to 'use up' all the outer picots so it'll mean 'dropping into' the dips where two motifs join. Can you see? I've a feeling it's going to keep BC3 occupied for a while. I'll try and remember to show you the experiments before I do the final border. As for colours - I think I'll use the orange from the very centre motif with a brown (as in the last row) for that. We'll see!!!


  1. wow ! this is wonderfull !

  2. I see what you mean, but I have no ideas for you. It could be that I've only been up for about ten minutes, haven't finished my first cup of coffee yet, and this is the first blog post I've read this morning. Or, it could be that I just have no ideas! Have fun!

  3. Magnificent! I was thinking the dark twirls formed a border, but I see what you mean about the points. Good luck, I know BC 3 will come up with something fabulous.

  4. So much tatting! That would be my output for twelve months! It just gets more and more amazing. Can’t wait to see what BC3 comes up with for the final row. I wish I had a BC3!

  5. mmmm.... I agree, dipping into the space between would finish things out well. (Reaching for a quilt book) How about a border of different size thread, a variegated, or a neutral worked in elements with more openess? Arcs that anchor? But then, stability...... I'm ramblin'.......

  6. I LOVE these colours Jane - you have an exquisite eye for colour!

  7. I think it's totally awesome as is!!!! :)

  8. Well picotsnkeys and everybody the challenge is proving to be - well, a challenge!!! It needs to be simple and plain, I think. Don’t want it to override the complexity of the rest of the design. I’ll be working on another idea this evening so wish me luck!!!

  9. Ah, Crazy Mom there’s a lot of trial and error involved, cussing and cutting too before I make final decisions!!!!
