
27 March 2019

More accordion pouches

Well here we go again!!! More accordion pouches. 

I've got small amounts of the Japanese fabric left from making craft tote bags and I've got enough of this small print one to make a few pouches. I think I've made two of these and there's another (Japanese) print too which I may make up eventually. 

Personally I love the red one at the top BUT I don't need anymore bags, do I? What a silly question - a gal can never ever have enough bags for 'things', can she?

I've got a few more to blog and then I will ask if anybody wants to buy through the blog. If people want me to reserve any to buy at Palmetto Tat Days then I'll put their names on them. They're going to be £10 each (plus postage if applicable). Just thought I'd let you know!!!  

All proceeds will go towards getting me across the pond in one of those flying machines!


  1. I definitely want one...please!!!! Can't wait to see them all!!! :)
    LindaB in Virginia

  2. Both are pretty but my fave fabric is still the one you showed the other day...
    I envy all those who are able to get one at Palmetto!!

  3. I love the red one! I would love to purchase it!

  4. Great pouches!! :)
    I like the snowflake one!

  5. Very beautiful work!

  6. I struggled to comment yesterday, will try again. I lo-ove the Japanese prints. I’m sure you’ll have no lack of customers.

  7. I would like one of the Japanese print ones, or anything really. I love these little bags. Sally Kaufman

  8. I would love to have one. I love these little bags.

  9. Sally - I’ll get them all out soon and take a photo of them all so people who want them can choose.

  10. Beautiful! Of course, bags or pouches or similars are never enough!

  11. Oh Jane, I must have one!!! I do not care what fabric it is made from!! Must have one! I do so really love your bags/pouches.

