
24 May 2019

History of Juliana and round 8

Two weeks ago I had a GOOD IDEA!!! I went onto Facebook (I know I've mentioned this before) and put out a call for help in all the tatting groups with finding the designer of Juliana. 

A lady called Angela contacted me and she had been in touch with Ben in Holland too. Ben said that the publishers are a company called Eska who are based in Utrecht. I had already realised that they were the publishers as it's in the book but it did trigger BC3 into trying to contact them. So far no reply!

Ben also says that the designs were done by the nuns in the St Rosa monastery in Amsterdam. I have tried to google this monastery/convent/nunnery but with no luck. 

Here is a bit more from Angela's message:-

"I'm keen to know more about this St Rosa monastery - when I was in Amsterdam last I visited a former monastery that was run by nuns after the war as a 'finishing' schools for young ladies. My auntie's went there... the girls learnt how to make beds, cook & clean so that they were prepared to take up home duties when they married."

So my plans at the moment are to put the pattern up on my pattern site and give the history of it's provenance as far as I know it. Copyright will be assigned to 'unknown' although I think I've earned a mention too!!!! It's going to be a long pattern as I've done a lot of work on the notation and there are also drawings for each row too.  

I am now asking for dedicated tatters to test tat it up to round 9 which will be ready shortly.  I will be putting the same request out in the Facebook tatting groups too.  The only skills which will be required are rings, and chains.  For round 9 (which I've started work on) the test tatters will need to know split rings and lock chains.  They are not in the original pattern but will be used in round 9 to avoid too many ends to be sewn in.

Meanwhile here's round 8!!!!


  1. It will be a very special pattern for the tatting world as you've done so much work.,not only in re- writing it, but in digging into it's history. I'm far too slow to be a test tatter I'm afraid.
    I'm interested in finding out more about the monastery.
    I'm glad that you chose to investigate this particular pattern, because it's oval, and so is my table. There aren't enough oval patterns around.

  2. Jane, you are great! So nice to see the development of this pattern :-)

    My german browser found about St. Rosa this:
    and only in dutch this:
    Nothing about tatting though :-(

  3. Thank you SO much, Anke. That’s very interesting. I couldn’t find anything about tatting and St Rosa - you are very clever to find this.

  4. Very pretty doily!! Can't wait to see it finished!! :)

  5. I love an oval shaped piece. It has really come along nicely, well done Jane.

  6. Love the doily your hard work has paid off!

  7. I get exhausted just thinking about all the work you've done and still have to do. I can't imagine diagramming this - especially Round 4. But I am so glad you have brought this lovely oval doily out of hiding. Looks like you're on the right track to discovering the story behind it.
