
22 May 2019

Not MORE fabric?

I mentioned in this post that I'd been back to Birmingham even before I made up the fabric I'd bought on the previous trip!!!

So straight after making up the first lot of fabric I started on this new short sleeved top (pictures below). 

As I mentioned in the post about the first top - the pattern was challenging but obviously easier the second time around. I'm really pleased with this top too and it fits in all the right places as well!!!

I really love the print but the finished top doesn't look very good on the picture as it must've been a dull day!!!


  1. I love this! Do you have one of those dressmaker's stands which you can adjust to your own measurements? Or do you close your eyes and hope that it will fit?

  2. I close my eyes and hope for the best, Maureen!!! More fun that way!!!

  3. Yes, yes, my sort of fabric! I do like making a pattern a second (or third!) time, when it all goes more smoothly.

  4. Great flowery top!!! :)

  5. Looks cute - and comfy!

  6. I love the top, very summery, hopefully you will get the weather to match.

  7. So do I, Chris!!!! Not very warm at the moment but I’m hoping it’ll improve!!!!

  8. That looks like the pattern by Rosemarie we were discussing the other day. It should brighten up your day.

  9. True, Tim - I’m all for bright days too!!!

  10. Anonymous3:32 am

    That fabric is lovely! I hope that's one of the tops you'll wear during Tat Days. It's just the sort of thing that will look wonderful on you. The weather in Toccoa is definitely *still* warm enough for a summery top in September, too!
