
20 May 2019

Juliana round 7

Another week of ‘not so many’ posts as I’m concentrating on Juliana and finishing her as soon as I can.  Can’t wait to do something else but if I drift off to play with other things this won’t get finished. 

After round 6 this wasn't so much work. It's been pretty easy to notate and draw up too

I'm hoping to get round 8 done over the next few days as that looks quite straightforward so keep your eyes open for that later this week. 

Then I MAY hit the skids with round 9. I've already started studying it and I'm thinking I MAY have to 'go off piste' with that one in order to save a load of sewing in of ends. I'll (obviously) keep you posted on progress.


  1. I hope you can find out who the designer was who is keeping you so occupied!

  2. It has such a unique design!! You seem to be tatting it very well!! :)

  3. You definitely have more patience than I have I admire your perseverance. We're all benefitting from it! Because of your posts I searched for Juliana's story. And I hope you do find the designer.
