
9 May 2019

Juliana round 5

Well here’s round 5!!! Only five more to go. HELLLPPPPPP.

This one was quite straightforward or is it that I’m just getting used to the way the pattern is written? Who knows.

I must remember sometime to put a call out on the Facebook tatting groups that I belong to to see if anybody has any information about the book and/or the designer.  My big problem is that I don’t remember to go to Facebook very often and only seem to land up there when something really takes my interest via my inbox!!!

The book was published in 1952 as I’ve mentioned before. Queen Juliana became Queen of the Netherlands in 1948 which leads me to believe that this design was probably done around that time. I would so love to know as it’s taking huge (but happy) chunks of my life at the moment.


  1. it still looks very interesting. The first rounds were so compact and now these are so airy. And it looks like they need the next round to "tame" them.
    Good on you for updating the pattern.

  2. Its a very intricate design!!! :)

  3. Your dedication to figuring out this complicated doily (I look forward to seeing the finished pattern) piqued my interest in Juliana's story. I admit I had no idea who she was! I was in for an exhausting ride and a realization that I knew nothing about the Netherlands. Juliana's life was amazing, including her and her mother (the Queen)'s escape to Canada during the War. She then became Queen and there were more complications in her life (personal and political) but Juliana survived due to her personality and the admiration of her people. Her grandson is now King.

    I also just noticed your post about the Shakespeare event in your 'home town'. Good thing you live on a 'quiet' street because it's such a popular and wonderful tourist site. Amazing seeing William himself drop by!

  4. Nice to see another round and it's lovely!

  5. So lovely you are making this!

  6. Thank you everybody. It certainly a labour of love with a small amount of ‘hate’ when things don’t work out!!! I’m not looking forward to round 9 which maybe where I have the biggest problems!!!
