
10 May 2019

An apology

To those who’s blogs I read regularly. 

For some unknown reason I can’t comment on those blogs at the moment. When I click from my dashboard reading list it takes me to the blog which I can read but it won’t let me comment. I’ve tried all my ‘appliances’ and it’s the same on all of them. 

When I look in the top right hand corner of the person’s blog it shows that I’m not signed in which is weird as it never used to be that way. So, I click on ‘sign in’ and it takes me back to the dashboard!!!

I’ve tried visiting my own blog then clicking on the blog I want to read from there but the same thing happens. Is anybody else having this problem and if anybody can suggest a way round it please let me know. I feel rude not being able to comment on blogs.


  1. As you know, this was my experience too, on your blog, and on others as well. In my case it appears to have resolved, but there are still some blog where I cannot comment. It's really frustrating!

  2. That's odd. I haven't had any problems, but I have seen others comment that they have had difficulties commenting. What a shame. I hope you can find the answer!

  3. Strange as I can comment on my own blog!!!!!

  4. I am having trouble commenting on one blog recently and keep getting e-mails saying that it's undeliverable.

  5. Jane, I used to not be able to comment on your blog. I found out it was one of my ad blockers I use with my browser. I had to mark your site as trusted and disable the blocker on it. Now it works fine. What it was blocking was something to do with google.

  6. Google Chrome cooperates better for me with Blogger when commenting, so I generally use Chrome when looking at blogs. (Of course, Google prefers Chrome). I sometimes have had problems commenting if I happen to be using Internet Explorer.

    However, when surfing with Internet Explorer, I have security software which is very sensitive that a website have a 'secure site' designation of 'https' rather than just 'http'. It gives me a big warning that the site is not safe if it doesn't have the 's' on the end! Some bloggers haven't made the changeover to the more secure 'https'. I do ignore the warning in the tatting blogs, but it's always jarring when the THIS SITE IS NOT SAFE' warning jumps out at me on the screen!

  7. I’ve just tried downloading another browser and set that up but still I can’t comment on my favourite blogs. I’m gutted.

  8. This has to be so frustrating for you! Surely there is a solution to this problem. The forums discuss different settings, but it's all so confusing.
