
13 May 2019

Summer top

It must be two months or so since I went to Birmingham and bought this fabric and it's been waiting for me to find the time to deal with it since! I've been back  to the big city since but more about that another day!!!

The pattern was a bargain - I found it in a charity shop in Alcester before Christmas. Brand new. It's quite a challenging one in a way as it has a back, front, side backs and side fronts. To add to that the sleeves have three parts too. Proved an interesting challenge.

One thing I bought a few months back from Amazon were some frixion pens like these. These were SOOOO useful as I could actually write on each piece what it was and then as soon as I'd finished I just 'showed' it the iron and the markings disappeared. Very useful accessory!!!!  There are some warnings about using these but they worked like a charm for me.  


  1. Certainly worth the effort!

  2. Another great top for your wardrobe! You usually do get around to finishing your projects.

    Thanks for the info about the pens! I was not aware of them, and I'm a 'pen' person! I agreed with the linked article which discusses the former 'disappearing ink' pens that weren't satisfactory. These frixion pens are a new idea!

    I also found some YouTubes that show these pens in action. It seems they work on both paper and fabric. On paper they can be erased with the built-in eraser, or the ink can disappear by using a hair dryer! Interestingly, putting the paper or fabric in the freezer brings the writing back! One gal created a T-shirt by sketching with the frixion pens, then going over the lines with permanent markers. She ironed the T-shirt, leaving behind a perfect design. I will be ordering them soon! I like to do calligraphy and they would be great for getting perfect placement.

  3. I love my two pens. Only drawback was when I wanted to write on the fabric just after I’d ironed it!!! Forgot it was hot and it wouldn’t work on heat!!! Good idea about the calligraphy too and |I guess you could draw outlines to machine round on fabric too. I need more time to play!!!!

  4. Lovely blouse great pens have to give them a try😊
