
17 June 2019

Juliana is finished

Or should I call it by it's new name - 'that blue thing'!!!!

This took hours and hours and HOURS to sew onto the backing and it does look a lot better in real life than it does here!!

The update on the pattern release is that I will add it to my site sometime in the future with the copyright assigned to 'unknown'.  I've agonised over this for ages and ages and I decided that if I didn't publish it then it would in all likelihood never be made again.

Tim has kindly offered to test tat it and has found a few glitches already. He's amazing at the job as he takes it so carefully and watches out for all my boo boo's.

Here's a link to where I started off on this adventure but there are many other posts on it's progress too as those amongst you who get bored easily will be able to affirm!!!!

Now I'm going to play, play, play and I will NOT be using blue thread for a while, I don't think!!!


  1. It's a very beautiful piece, and I think that the designer would be thrilled to see it being tatted again in the 21st century. One of my musician sons once remarked that is gave him goosebumps to be playing a piece which may have been composed a few hundred years ago, it's as though the composer was on the stage with the orchestra! So thank you for all your work.

  2. Wow, well done Jane! Yes, I think it's important to preserve the pattern, whether or not the designer is known.

  3. I love this and the second picture is the better of the two. I understand too about sewing down your tatting it is not an easy task, it is a down right chore :) have a wonderful day from Carollyn!

  4. It's gorgeous! I love the blue, but I can understand why you're off blue for a while. I think ovals are particularly difficult to tat or crochet.

  5. What a beautiful piece! I agree with Maureen, your amazing work will save the pattern from sinking into oblivion and the author would be happy and grateful.
    I really like the subtle difference between centre and darker border, it brings some interest without creating a huge contrast.
    Now, on to a tablecloth in blue... just kidding of course :-D

  6. That reminds me of ceramics. Something like flow blue. I don't know anything about pottery, but someone could make a fish platter from the photo. It would be pretty. Great job, Jane. Hang it on the wall somewhere.

  7. Zounds Miss Jane - that is gorgeous!

    And really fiddly to deal with - I can see why you didn't want to mess with it any more!

    But - WELL DONE!!!!

  8. That is a truly stunning piece of art!!! :) Great job Jane!! :)

  9. To borrow one of your English phrases, I am gobsmacked! This just jumped off the page, and it is finished off beautifully. The colors are excellent - The design should be copied on a piece of china!

    I can hardly believe this is possible to tat (I certainly am in awe of the designer), especially with such vague directions. And sewing it down had to be a bear!

    I wouldn't even think of tatting this without a diagram! But drawing it would be a huge undertaking in itself. The variations in the 9th round would drive me completely insane, without knowing where it was going.

    But it is truly SPECTACULAR! You MUST display it somewhere! I know you'll take it to Tat Days! I certainly admire your endless patience in seeing this through! Congratulations!

  10. Anonymous6:39 pm

    Beautiful! Not only is the tatted piece gorgeous, you have preserved a pattern that otherwise may have slipped into oblivion. Even better, you have tweaked it to guarantee that those of us who tat this 'modernized' version of the pattern will have good results. Thank you!

  11. Sandra Figg6:39 pm

    Beautiful, and I can appreciate the struggle to understand old patterns, find job in finishing it! I have a question. What book was it found in? The only thing I saw on your blog when you started it was 'yesterday's book', not capitalized, so didn't think that could be the title. You never know who might also have it!

  12. Thanks for your comment, Sandra. The book is one in a series of three called FRIVOLITE. Through talking about the books I’ve since found out that they were published in and around 1952. The designs are by nuns who lived in a monastery in Amsterdam. When I finally get round to putting the pattern onto my web site I’ll add all this information with the copyright assigned to ‘unknown’. If I don’t publish it it will certainly be lost eventually and nobody will be able to ever make it again. I very much respect the designer’s talent.

  13. thanks Jane, if you can manage a pic of the cover, then it will be recognized easily. You know how we love to browse our old books and dream of making things in them. If I have it, I'll be sure to put a post-it on that page that says, don't even think about making this without using Jane's pattern!

  14. Hi Cozy. There’s a picture of the cover here on another blog post. Not very inspiring, I’m afraid!!
