
23 September 2019

Home again.

Sadly back home after another amazing trip to Palmetto Tat Days. The friends I have over in America are truly amazing and look after the old git so, so well. It's hard to leave but I'm hoping to be back sometime. 

This week (and probably a bit more) I'll be talking about the things I brought home with me - that's beside some great memories too.

First of all let's talk shuttles. 

Today it's the contrast between a wooden one and a 3D printed one. I still can't get the ancient head around 3D printing and would love to see it done sometime. 

Here are the two I was given side by side.


  1. Who did the 3d printed shuttle? It is not a hard process to understand.

  2. Not sure, Tim but hoping comments will tell me before the end of the day!

  3. It's more amazing that thiese printers can produce body parts! The printed shuttle I bought a few years ago, came with the warning to not leave it in direct sun, or in a hot car. So I have never been game to use it, in our tropical heat I have visions of it melting into a puddle and spoiling my thread!

  4. Ah, must remember that too, Maureen.

  5. Maureen, if the shuttle was warned about heat, it means over about 140 degrees, like in a hot car. That means it was made from PLA, a vegetable based plastic that works at low heat. The ones I make are ABS, which take a much higher heat. Go ahead and use that shuttle. Body heat will not affect it. It will not turn into a puddle, just warp and sag a bit. Hey, I do that in heat!

  6. Glad you had a good trip, I look forward to hearing more about it.

  7. I have a few 3D shuttles. I'll have to play with them again! I do love a nice wood shuttle!

  8. More shuttles to use with your amazing HWT !!!! :)

  9. Ise green with envy... Wood and 3d!! Want them range testing?

  10. Anonymous3:40 pm

    Glad to see you're home and back online. More fun to have you here with US, though. :) Must admit, 3-D printing is a fascinating mystery to me, too. Must remember not to take any of my 3-D shuttles with me as part of my carry-around projects - I *do* sometimes leave them in the car, and it *does* get hot in there before I get back. I hope you enjoy playing with your new shuttles!

  11. I've used a 3D printer. It's a little easier to picture what's going on if you've ever used a glue gun.

    Imagine squirting out a circle shape (not filled in) of glue. Now glue over that same circle to make it higher. As you repeat that same circle it grows into a tube shape. That's kind of what the 3D printer is doing, very precisely.

    For more complex shapes, like shuttles, it will put a dot down & build up that dot to make a support for the overhanging bit(s). And when you're done printing, you snap off the supports and file down.

    Hope that helps.

  12. Thanks, Sewicked. That does make sense.
