
24 September 2019

I bought shuttles!!

Well what are Tat Days for except buying goodies?!

Do I need anymore shuttles? No. Did I want any more shuttles? No. I have two favourites and plenty of those too. Number one of those are my good old Aero England shuttles. Number two are the Clover bobbin shuttles and that's 'it' really. 

BUT I saw and tried the new Dreamlit shuttle (thank you, Handy Hands and Barb Foster for getting these made) while I was at Tat Days and was (thankfully) sorely tempted and gave into temptation too!!! 


Easy to wind, easy to put together and take apart (they're magnetic) and they seem to hold a lot more thread too. Fine in my hands etc, etc. I'm hooked!

Yes, they have a hook too!!


  1. Good to try something new and be convinced!

  2. Haha! Shuttles are so tempting! I haven't yet met one I didn't like. They might be a little too heavy, or the tips might not close the way I like, but I love them all!

  3. I was sorely tempted too! I put them on my Christmas wish list! Enjoy tatting with yours!!

  4. Thanks Jane for a good look at them and your endorsement. I will take a look at them.

  5. I received mine too and I love them it's the best thing since sliced bread :)

  6. I bought some too and do like how they hold my size 10 threads.

  7. Interesting concept! Thanks for the review, I'll try to get a pair :)
