
25 September 2019

Thread talk

I went to Tat Days with a shopping list!!! It wasn't a very big one as I already have a good stash of threads but I was running out of some colours and then got 'tempted' into some of the new Lizbeth plain colour ways!  I think I came home with three balls only but I'm not telling anybody and I hope you won’t either!

These two spools must be my all time favourites which Jenni gave me. The threads are by AlenAleaDesign whoes site you can find here. Can't wait to try them out but will take my time finding the right design to make it up with.

Thanks, Jenni.  They're amazing.


  1. Ah! Hand-dyed threads! I love working with hand-dyed threads, and I do have a small collection of colors from AlenAleaDesign. I look forward to seeing what you do with them!

  2. I have some HDT from Phyllis Schmidt. She is really getting into dyes now. She does some nice colors. I also have some from Marilee Rockley. Her autumn colors are amazing.
    My stash may not be as big as yours, Jane, but then, I am not sure. I know I have all 100 colors of King Tut. You know me. I like working with spider's web. I think I will do Coriolis in King Tut just to see how small it is.

  3. I love getting a color and then picking a design with it. Instead of the other way around. 😜

  4. Great colorways!!! :)

  5. Jane, you'll love using Lea's threads. She has a great range and great colour combinations.

  6. I'm sure I will, Judith. Just want to wait for the right project to come along so I can use them. I'm very precious about HDT and keep it for some time so I can really showcase it.
