
11 October 2019

Brrrrrm, brrrrrm, it's a car!!!!

I had a birthday last Saturday - now I'm 76!! 

For my birthday this year I decided I definitely needed a new car. Yes, that's right.

To me a car is a car is a car and when mine's due for service the dealership rings me up to remind me and asks me all sorts of STUPID questions like 'how many miles have you done', 'have you got the wheel 'something or others' and other assorted questions.  

All I can tell them is that it's a sort of dark grey and is parked 'somewhere in the road'.  I always tell them it's got a wheel at each corner and something called an engine somewhere in the middle. Oh, I can also tell them I put petrol in it from time to time too!! What silly questions they ask. I mean, what else does a body need to know about their car!!!

This car has been lurking on the computer for a year or more. It was requested by a lady who wanted a definite make of car but she had to send me pictures so I'd know what I was 'aiming for'!!!!

Anyway, this is more the sort of car I like - a tatted one which can be found here!!!


  1. I did laugh, because the other day I took my car for a service and they asked me what year it is. Er.... I had to go and look in the book in the cubbyhole to give them an answer. I think I'm more comfortable with the tatted version too.

  2. I'm lucky to remember the model of car I drive. Those other details mean nothing to me. I do like your sporty little roadster!

  3. Hi Jane, I like your tatted car!!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! Now you can drive to Tat Days next year.

  5. I can see we have the same kind of relationships with our cars! And what type of wheels do I want???? Dunno. And what type of battery do I want??? Dunno. I mean, what's the point in asking ME, THEY are the professionals, right?
    Love your tatted version, and that one at least doesn't need repairs :)

  6. Jane, Diane, craftie Sylvie I’m glad I’m not alone!!!! I’ve no interest in cars at all and Nick’s forever asking me what sort of car somebody drives etc and I’m lucky if I can remember what colour it is!!
    Tim - I could drive to Tat Days but only if you guys start to drive on the left instead of being ‘ornery’ and drive on the right!!!

  7. Hey you can afford the insurance on this car :) love it!

  8. Good thinking Madtatter80!!! That and the road tax too!!!

  9. Anonymous6:48 pm

    Looks like my old car and the same color. Love it.

  10. Well another birthday, cheers to you. I love your blue car, nice color too.

  11. Eeh, men!! Sir can't understand why I struggle with car makes and designs either.... I think cars are designed by men for men... Not TOG's like us!! At least you can't run out of fuel with a tatted one!!

  12. Hmmmm but you can run out of thread, Pigmini!!

  13. Happy Birthday to you! I'll soon catch up with you and I would like a red car for my birthday.
    Actually I wish I didn't have to get into mine for the smallest reason, my dream is to move to a place where driving would be optional!

  14. Happy belated birthday Jane!
    You certainly do not look (or act) like 76. Your energy and pep is inspiring. I hope I get to spend some more time with you next time we meet!
