
10 October 2019

This year's new season of snowflakes!

This is a little snowflake I've been working on since about August!!! Yes, I know, I do take a long time but mainly because I get easily distracted!!! 

I'm not sure if I'll be publishing this as it's a pretty simple design and I think it may have been done before. I'd appreciate any help to prove (or disprove) whether it's already been done. I've checked my own site - just in case I'd 'been there before' and it's not there!!! 

I've got two more in this 'series' and I've named them 'Midi Snowflakes' (for now) as they work out to just about 2¼" in diameter. They're a fast tat and will fit easily onto a card if that's what's wanted. Mine will be for giveaways - although Abbi's already run off with three!!!!


  1. Ooh, lovely! Love that pretty thread too.

  2. Your " trademark" lock chains look wonderful in this design. Small snowflakes are always perfect to enclose in Christmas cards- although these days my list is dwindling. I think I am now down to four people who still look forward to my Christmas cards and tatting!

  3. The snowflakes are flying this year and I feel like i have seen this too but instead of the Josephine chains it was regular chains. It's beautiful. May be next year we can do a snowflake a week challenge ❄️😀❄️

  4. Ooh! They're so pretty! I might even be tempted to string a few beads just so I can tat one!

  5. Madtatter80 I’d appreciate any further information you have on the snowflake. If it’s just a matter of the chains being different then I won’t be publishing it.
    The thread is one of Karey Solomon’s, Jane. Love it.

  6. The lock chains are very pretty in this snowflake!

  7. I'm thinking the same as Madtatter 80. I'll wrack my bc2.5 and see if I can come up with something

  8. Please do, Pigmini.

  9. Awesome snowflakes!!! :) I love the variegated!!! :)
