
15 April 2021

A change is as good as a rest

Well that’s what ‘they’ say!!!  
I decided a few days ago that I’d make some earrings for the shop.  Now, I’m VERY fussy about earrings. Mine have to be bright and cheerful but also be able to be worn indefinitely without them losing their shape.  

If an earring is large and without many beads then it will tend to bend.  HA, HA.  Like that - I’m a poet (tend to bend)!!!  So my remit for myself is to have lots of beads to stop the jewellery bending.

These are my favourite earrings.  I’ve got them in all sorts of colours and some I’ve made bigger by making the chains longer.  The whole piece is made on a button which you can barely see as I add beads on top of it.  The pattern is on my freeservers site and can be found here.    It’s fiddly but so worth it.  Well here is the first pair in my Etsy shop.  

I’m working another pair (or two) in black with gold beads next.


  1. Yes, some of my earrings tend to bend. These are splendid.

  2. That's at the top of my favourite earwig patterns too! Next down is the Diamond which I make into earwigs!

  3. Fabulous and elegant earrings!! :)

  4. If I wore earrings I’d snap these up!
    Well- I used to wear them in the dark ages, dangly ones, but they were clip ons.
    Because I don’t wear them I don’t make them, but a couple of years ago I did make a Halliween pair for a teaching daughter. They’d collapsed before lunch, she said, and my scary spiders looked like black tassels.

  5. Tatted earring are very popular. These look lovely.

  6. Very eye-catching earrings! I think the buttons also help them keep their shape.

  7. These black and gold earrings look splendid!

    Yes, I also have had earrings bend. I'll try your tip of using lots of beads!

