
13 April 2021

Another elephant!

OK you must think I've gone hephalump (elephant) crazy by now.  Well I promise you I haven't!!!  
Do you remember this elephant that I made for my friend down the road?  Here it is.

Well I'm a bit fussy about things when I make them and I was NOT happy with the poor elephant.  The yarn was thick and hard and to make it made my arm ache.  The kit came with a size 6 crochet hook which was like wielding a hockey stick!!!  So when I was back 'in the zone' for elephant making I got out a size 3.5 hook and some yarn that I had in my stash.  This one looks 100% better, I think.  When I stuffed it you couldn't see the stuffing through the stitches and I was altogether a lot happier with it.

I didn't tell Sue I was making it so it was a surprise when I gave it to her.  I must say I enjoy amigurumi crochet.  


  1. Very sweet olifant!

  2. Cute little character!

  3. Splendid hephalump! Presumably it's a lot smaller than the first one?

  4. Yes, Jane, a LOT smaller and very cute too.

  5. The little elephant is cute! Now your friend has a mommy and a baby elephant :)

  6. Oh my gosh, Jane. I love it~ So adorable and beautifully crafted. Nice job! Love his ears! °O|O° 😊
