
1 March 2022

Green Coats motifs

So I got a move on with this Coats design.  Here is the centre of this pattern (see below) and this is what it's finally going to be.  Well, that's a lie because it's not!!!

I know that if I go any further I'll run out of thread but that's not the only reason.  I really don't like it as it's too fussy for me. It took me a long time to work out the joins too as it's written in 'old fashioned' notation. This form of writing patterns was what I started the craft with and they were no real problem back in those days because they were all the same.

I remember that there was one very pretty butterfly in a French book that I have which, of course, I had to translate to English first.  In those days computers weren't thought of and I had to work it all out with a pen and paper only to find that there was a big mistake in it!!  So that's why I'm wary of the old notation now!!!  I digress.

I will now look for another colour of thread that I have plenty of in my stash and will start again but with  a LOT fewer picots!!!


  1. It is pretty, but I also prefer designs with fewer picots. That's a very pretty shade of green.

  2. i'm with you... that many picots just makes the piece look... fuzzy? and way too annoying to make!

  3. It’s lovely just as it is, and you’ve learnt what you need for the second version. I quite like a lot of picots, gives an airy look.

  4. It's so beautiful!!!! :)
