
28 March 2022

Zig Zag doily

It's the translation of a Dutch doily which I absolutely love.  I think the pattern is almost ready to 'go' onto my web site but I do want to check it through once more.

Bev has done a terrific job test tatting it too and made lots of really good suggestions.

So I've started another but in yellow and size 40 thread.  I had to search through my stash to find two balls of size 40 but this is what I decided on.  As the design is so interesting and as there are very few cuts and ties during the whole pattern I decided to make it in just one colour again.  I'd like to see it in a variegated thread but I think you'd lose the beauty of the flow.  


  1. Brilliant! Yes, I think it would be a shame to use variegated thread and risk losing the flow.

  2. I agree that one color shows off the pattern best. That's a lovely shade of yellow!
