
29 June 2022

Progress on the waistcoat

Well that took some taking apart!  As you can see on the top photo below I got the zip out pretty easily but when I took the photo I was about to tackle the collar.  Sheesh.  That and the armhole facings were a struggle.  

The two photos in the middle are some scrap cotton fabric that I've 'stuck on' with wonder web over the holes for the original pockets.  I'll think about pockets when/if I finish the project.  The bottom photo is how the waistcoat looks now.

The next decision is how to make the patchwork to cover the fleece.  I need to look through my 'scrap stash' to see what would be the best size to use up all the bits and pieces I've got.  I don't want to start cutting into large pieces as that would be wasteful.  More another day.


  1. Sounds as though the original was well made!

  2. Wow! That's quite a project. I am currently making a "waistcoat" too. I've put lots of applique on mine as I plan to use it for one of my "dog show" outfits. So far, I am making progress, but it's slow. I have the lining cut out and the batting (as it will be quilted too), but I only have one side of the front appliqued. Much yet to do. It may be a project that goes into the autumn! I'll look forward to seeing yours.

  3. Well after doing the patchwork jacket last year I thought the waistcoat would be easier. BUT it isn’t for some reason!!! I’m enjoying the challenge though. You’ll take all the attention off the dogs in yours!!!! Slow is a good word as I keep doing a bit, falling out of love with it, then back in love etc etc. I’m going to make a concerted effort on mine next week!!!!
