
26 August 2022

Sets of little flowers

This part of the Tatted Garland is going to take some time!!!  That should keep me busy!

These little flowers look straightforward but they aren’t!!  I doubt if you can see but the stitch count varies in some places and some rings have vsp’s (very small picots) and some don’t!!!  

This is the first of three ‘sets’ of flowers so I’ll be keeping each set together with a safety pin AND labelling them as I go.  If I don’t then I’ll get into a dreadful muddle!!!!


  1. Anonymous8:50 am

    This is the most tedious part of the whole doily. I took a shortcut and used yellow/gold beads in place of the yellow thread to avoid the extra thread to hide…lol.

  2. Why didn’t my BC3 think of that idea, Anonymous!!!! Still, only one end to hide each time.

  3. Every part of this doily is lovely, I think the flowers are beautiful.I have come to accept that dealing with ends is just part of the process and I actually find it quite peaceful, to sit and sew.

  4. Anonymous4:07 pm

    These flowers are so pretty, I found myself enlarging the picture just so I could admire them more. :)

  5. Sounds as though you have to keep your wits about you!

  6. Those look great! :)

  7. They're lovely Jane! Obviously not a pattern that can be done while chatting though (at least not for me!).

  8. Sweet flowers! Love the yellow centers!
