
5 September 2022

Monday moan - to do or not to do

That is the question.

Well I thought I was a tough old cookie - particularly having got through all life's trauma's, plus a few more, in the space of five years.  That was about thirty years ago.  But the stuff I have put up with from two tatters over the past few months has really knocked the BC3 out of me.
I'm beginning to bounce back slightly but I have stuff i really need to get on with but no energy to do.

First thing I need to do is decide whether to apply for a teaching position at Palmetto Tat Days next year.  The indecision is mainly about the probability of Covid rearing it's ugly head again.  Also finding the energy to organise myself.

Next problem is to do or not to do a TIAS in 2023.  I've got a possibility on the shuttles but have fallen out with it again.  To proceed or not to proceed - that is the  next question.   I have four 'incarnations' of it sitting glaring at me as I sit in Tat Corner and I've no desire to pick them up at the moment and work out whether to carry on or not.  

Finally - does anybody read blogs nowadays?  Should I give up blogging?  I think most people have emigrated to Facebook but I'm not comfortable there so rarely visit it for a 'look around'.  I pop in, put links to the blog or post walk pictures and then get out PDQ.  I apologise to those who expect me to see what they're doing but really I'm not a Facebook person.  I have enough of a problem keeping my own life on the level and certainly don't want to share the finer details of what it's like with 'all and sundry'.  


  1. Liyarra9:09 am

    Yes to Palmetto, yes to TIAS, no to giving up the blog!

  2. Blog! Otherwise I won't know what you're up to! And TIAS please!!!

  3. I am one of those who have migrated to Facebook, it’s far from ideal but it seems to be where most people connect now. I probably don’t visit your blog every day, but I would hate it to disappear!
    And I had to revisit it to discover what one of the QLD Tatter’s was referring to when she spoke about the “ daisy doily”. It’s the Garland, I just didn’t associate daisies with that design.
    On your blog things stay where they are. On Facebook if you don’t save what you see at breakfast it will be long gone by lunchtime and you’ll never find it again.
    The TIAS is a lot of work for you, but I think that I am not the only person who feels that the New Year doesn’t begin until Day 1 is posted!

  4. I'm with Liyarra! I blog too, don't do facebook much, would be very sad if I couldn't see you on your blog.

  5. Please carry on blogging, many of us still prefer to follow blogs rather than Facebook even if we are forced to engage there as well. Y

  6. I agree with you about Facebook. Please continue with the TIAS - such a joy as is your blog and pictures!

  7. Anonymous11:21 am

    I read your blog all the time. Look up how to do stitches. Hope you don’t give that up. Understand Tat days long trip. And TiAS lots of work but sure love it

  8. Blog please, TIAS yes. It would be nice to see you in person again at Palmetto but I understand about COVID. Guess it depends if your able to fly out or not. Sorry you have to deal with Tatting drama. Don’t let a couple derail your tatting adventures. You are more liked/loved that you know!

  9. Jane, be of good courage. I do enjoy, appreciate, and have benefited greatly from your wealth of wisdom and skill.
    I as well understand the overwhelming amount of behind the scenes work you put into your blogs,

  10. Oh please come to Tat Days. You will like the new place. It is very pretty. The rooms are much nicer. It will do your heart good to see how much you are thought . We all get our feelings hurt and must not let them win. It is not worth it. Brenda Atchley

  11. I enjoy all your communications !! Please continue to share your tatting expertise,
    photos, and comments. Sending lots of fibery hugs !

  12. Thanks everybody for your lovely comments. I really appreciate them. I’ll try and get myself out of these doldrums and back on track if only to prove to the world that I can.

  13. It's important to take care of yourself. Maybe take a year "off". Rest. Relax. Refresh yourself. Focus on YOU instead of others. Now, if Palmetto Tat days and/or a TIAS themselves will give you energy (not you having to dig it up), then go ahead and do one or both. Hugs!

  14. Oh my! Sorry about drama! It seems to be around a lot! You know I live your TIAS even if I've still the odd one to finish off! One day I hope to get to Tat Days but not sure when! I too blog as I've friends who aren't on FB and check yours off and on too!

  15. Anonymous5:00 pm

    Jane, I'm sorry you are feeling like this. Please don't let these two ruin what you had, they are only two...there are many that love you! I for one! Please apply
    to teach at Palmetto And at least keep your Blog going. I hope to see you there next year.
    Xox Linda :)

  16. Your blog is worth my time, and I enjoy reading your thoughts as well as seeing your work and its progress. Wish I had a "crystal ball" in regard to Palmetto Tat days. Selfishly, I'd love for you to host TIAS, but I realize that it's a great deal of work. Sometimes, it's good to simply take a break. Hopefully you'll feel more inspired once you do.

  17. I enjoy your blog a lot! Jane

  18. I've actually swung away from FB for the most part. I enjoy your blog!

  19. Anonymous6:28 pm

    I'm not on Facebook and have no intentions of joining it. I love your blog - check every day to see what you've said and what you're working on. If you didn't post anything new that day I admire the 'old' pictures and reread some of your other posts. Don't let two self-important hateful people ruin things for you. Eventually they will find a new person to harass and leave you alone. Do what you enjoy - whether it's taking long walks (those gorgeous 'walk' pictures you've posted would make me want to take long walks every day just to get out there and look at all that beautiful scenery), or tatting, or whatever you're in the mood to do at the time. Take some time for 'you.' As far as Tat Days, with Covid as unpredictable as it's been, I can understand your dilemma completely, and you have the ADDED question of 'if it suddenly gets bad and there's a shutdown, can I get home again?' - most of us don't have to consider THAT, we just get in our cars and drive home. We all love you, Jane. Keep that in mind.

  20. I think you should have fun in what ever you do... I enjoy the TIAS but understand how much work it is - in preparation and following the daily fun and folks' comments. I enjoy your Blog - it keeps me informed at to what you are up to... As to FB use it to suit yourself not anybody else...
    As to the DIVAS ignore them - they are a waste of time & effort!
    Loves you me ol'mucker

  21. Anonymous6:52 pm

    Yes yes and no…I hope to get to Palmetto some day….I, for one, always look forward to your TIAS to kick off a new year of tatting….I love your blog..but am often reminded to read it iff a Facebook post.

  22. Lauren7:20 pm

    Jane, it is OK to take a break! if it doesn't call to you right now, try something else. Make a few buttons... crochet something, paint those beautiful boats! A little break (without worrying about justification!) can be very enlightening. You will come back refreshed! I was a loyal facebook fan but I'm finding it is changing and not as much fun anymore. Keep on with the blog as I have found yours (through facebook) and will keep on visiting :-) And there is always Shuttlebirds workshop to try! Lauren

  23. Thanks everybody. I really appreciate your comments. I’m taking a sort of break from the TIAS at the moment and have a feeling that it might ‘happen’ after that. The blog will continue as it’s mostly a record of what I did and when I did it!!! My sort of diary, I guess.

  24. Anonymous8:05 pm

    I love all your musings Jane. Please don’t stop xxx

  25. Hi Jane., I think we all appreciate your efforts in the TIAS. I also know that your classes are very popular when offered at various Tat Days.
    BUT, all this takes a lot out of you...preparation, travel, presentation, etc. You need to take care of you and your loved ones. It’s about you, not what others want!

  26. I'm in the same situation about Blogging. Most people have gone to Instagram or Facebook. But I have some customers who don't use any of those platforms and depend on info, from my Blogs.
    So, yes, keep Blogging.

  27. Anonymous7:34 am

    I always look forward to and read you blog, and I so enjoy your TIAS. So please keep on blogging and do make another TIAS. You are so appreciated and a valued member of the tatting community!

  28. i still read blogs... those that haven't switched to FB, or Patreon exclusive content... %-)

  29. I don't tat, read facebook or blogs everyday. But I would definitely miss yours if it weren't there when I needed inspiration or comic relief. Take a break when you need it. We'll be here.

  30. Anonymous11:29 pm

    Jane, I love reading your blog! I also really enjoy the TIAS every year, but can't imagine how you come up with the design and's got to be a ton of work. I am also not a FB person and avoid it as much as possible. I too am very hesitant to travel much these days...that darn COVID just won't go away! Hang in there and keep blogging, please.

  31. Take care of yourself! That said, keep musing and sharing as you wish on your blog. The blogging platform has issues of programming that must be tweaked as we all know. Facebook just has that (ahem) algorithm. I'll coexist with a program much easier than an algorithm. So, I almost never look at Facebook sites. I do look at your blog 3-4 times each week. I use your techniques and pattern pages with my students. I hope to meet up with again at a workshop. I enjoy you. If the rest of us in tat-land can help deflect the bad actors, or send you hugs and energy and creativity, please let us know!! You are valued!

  32. Anonymous8:50 pm

    Don't stop, love your blog musings.
