
6 September 2022

The knitted top

I have made some progress on the knitted top.  Last 'report' was here.
I've only been picking it up when I go to the knitting group on a Friday or when I'm at my 'crafty' group on a Tuesday.  Progress, because of that, is slow!!!  I'm really enjoying it and I think that shortly I'll be having a 'blitz' on it just to 'get it done'.  I know how my BC3 works!!!!

I needed something to stop the stitches falling off my needles and was looking to order something to use but couldn’t find anything really that appealed.  

In the end I was sorting through my sewing ‘stuff’ (the ‘recycling’ part of odds and ends) and came across one of those thingumygigs that you use on clothing to adjust the cords.  They’re ‘called cord string cord lock toggles’.  Took me ages to find out that bit of information!! Here’s what I mean.  

As you can see in the second picture - I found one (actually, two) in my recycling sewing box of bits.  This works a treat!!!


  1. I may have to look for those. It's so frustrating when stitches fall of the needles!

  2. A little progress is better than no progress!! :)

  3. Gosh, that’s a mouthful. But effective. Top is looking good. Yes, I know that feeling of doing a blitz to finish a project that has been going for a while.

  4. LOVE it when you find a use for something you've tucked away. I have a few of those "thingamajings" (my way of saying it) (i.e. cord string cord lock toggles) in my collection of sewing pieces and parts. Now I may just be using them when I'm knitting thanks to BC3!
