
15 September 2022

Bracelet talk

It always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when people actually understand and work my designs.  Never fails.  Here are a couple more of these bracelets that Kay Lynn has made.  This is what she said when she sent in the first photo.

“Just a quick note with a photo of a bracelet I just finished (using your pattern).  Fun to make so I want to make a couple more (as gifts) with different colors.  Thanks for sharing your designs.”

I then asked Kay Lynn if I could turn her message into a blog post and she thankfully said ‘yes’.  So here’s her second message and another bracelet!!!

“Of course you may make this into a blog post.  I'm glad you like the colours!  Here's a slightly different version that I made for myself (and I'm wearing it on the back side since I like that just as well as the front side).”


  1. I love the back to front version ! Very chunky “ modern “ look, isn’t it.
