
10 October 2022

Row 6 Marmelo

Another round of Erika Tashiro’s lovely Tatted Garland.  BUT I need to tell you that this is definitely round 6.  Last time I told you a lie as that wasn’t round six but it was round 5.  I didn’t lie deliberately I promise.  Here’s the link to my previous post in which I messed up.

Now you’ve GOT to realise that us old gits (like wot I am) can get confused and especially when they’re going through a bad patch in their lives.  

The past couple of weeks have been a tad stressful but I’m hoping they’ll improve soon.  Well, that’s all you can do is hope!!!  


  1. Looks absolutely amazing! Whichever round you're on. I hope life is calmer soon.

  2. Lovely! The colors are so soft and pretty together. I hope tatting has been a stress reliever for you.

  3. It was row next!!! With the number of twists and turns, it could well be a tad confuticating!

  4. Yes there are a few twists and turns but the confusion was purely down to me not reading which row I was on properly!!!

  5. I can't imagine you doing things "properly" because you're wonderfully creative. I hope your stress gets to a "proper" level soon!

  6. Hope things in your life calm down and get better soon. This doily is absolutely gorgeous!

  7. So delightful and the colours are really complimentary, I think the white makes the whole thing pop!
