20 September 2024

Bonnie's baskets

Bonnie was another friend who we visited when we were in South Carolina.  

Bonnie is an amazing craftswoman who sadly got sidelined away from tatting a few years ago.  I'm hoping she'll come back as her work is impeccable.  

Her main addiction nowadays is basket making.  Her house is FILLED with baskets of all shapes and sizes.  Again each one is perfect.  

She kindly gave me the corn stalk you can see below and the lovely little basket below.  THANK YOU, Bonnie.  

Please thank Jo for finding batteries for Hilarious if you read this!!  We have such fun at your house.

1 comment:

Jane McLellan said...

Sweet baskets. I like baskets, though I’ve never made one myself.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.