I nearly forgot to show you this scan of round four of the monster doily!!!
I'm now into round five so need to catch up with posting. I keep getting distracted by other things I want and need to play with - more about one of those tomorrow I hope.
I'm still using beads but not 'over beading' it as is my instinct. Mainly because I'm not sure whether I'll have enough beads to finish!!!
This is my 'sitting in the garden in the summer' project but unfortunately the weather hasn't caught up with me and I do find I have trouble 'sitting in the garden'.
I keep finding things to distract me. The day before yesterday it was a lilac tree that needed partly felling. Why, at the age of 71 (and a half) do I feel I still need to do these jobs myself? I know - it's cause I'm stark staring bonkers!!!