17 May 2007
Earrings for a friend
I try and I try to make other 'sorts' of earrings but I still go back to this design! These are for a friend but I'm very tempted to keep them!!! I've told her they're ready just so that I'm not tempted to!!! I'll have to make another pair for myself. Oooooh, remembered I've got THE brightest pink beads from ebay so perhaps ANOTHER pair using these might happen. Still working hard on 'secret' stuff but should be back on a new design soon. I feel one 'coming on'!!!

14 May 2007
Music notes finished
I made the big clef again yesterday as it rained ALL day. That's always a good excuse to sit and tat!!! I also managed the small clef too which was very easy. Both now written in 'Jane' and although I want to re-press them and attach them to a piece of card for travelling they are about done!!
13 May 2007
Musical tatting
Now anybody who knows me knows that there's one thing I don't like and that's music. Apparently this makes me a very odd person!!! OK, I'll go along with that!!! I don't even like background music although I will admit to having been to two Beatle concerts when they were first popular in the 60's!!!
Anyway, this is really beside the point. A friend in the USA wrote the other day to ask me if I would make her up a pattern that she'd bought. It's the music doily by Christel Weidmann. My friend only wants the notes - not the whole doily. If you click on the title then it will take you to a page where the doily pattern is bing sold. You'll have to scroll down a bit!!
I (foolishly???) said yes! Anyway, it's all in German which isn't a big problem as there are some English notes with it and then there's always dear old Babelfish (the online translator) to help too. I sat down yesterday morning and spent a loooonnggg time translating it into 'Jane'!!!
I then tried tatting up my notes and the scan below is how it looks at a first attempt. Of course, me being me I didn't start with the easiest one which is sort of half moon shaped. I think this one is called a Clef but I've no idea what the other one's called!!! I can tell you in German, though!!! The big one (below) is called a Violin-Schlussel and the little one's a Bass-Schlussel!!!! I suppose I could go and translate those in Babelfish but it's much more fun like this!!!
Anyway, below is the first attempt. I think it's only really a matter of tweaking the last part and finishing off the last chain round the last ring. You can see where the threads trail off to the shuttles as bedtime called last night!!! More fun today as I re-tat it with amendments and tweaking and then start on the small one!!!
I (foolishly???) said yes! Anyway, it's all in German which isn't a big problem as there are some English notes with it and then there's always dear old Babelfish (the online translator) to help too. I sat down yesterday morning and spent a loooonnggg time translating it into 'Jane'!!!
I then tried tatting up my notes and the scan below is how it looks at a first attempt. Of course, me being me I didn't start with the easiest one which is sort of half moon shaped. I think this one is called a Clef but I've no idea what the other one's called!!! I can tell you in German, though!!! The big one (below) is called a Violin-Schlussel and the little one's a Bass-Schlussel!!!! I suppose I could go and translate those in Babelfish but it's much more fun like this!!!
Anyway, below is the first attempt. I think it's only really a matter of tweaking the last part and finishing off the last chain round the last ring. You can see where the threads trail off to the shuttles as bedtime called last night!!! More fun today as I re-tat it with amendments and tweaking and then start on the small one!!!

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Tatting and NOT a Lot Else by Jane Eborall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://janeeborall.blogspot.co.uk/.
Happy Beaks

I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.