19 May 2012

Another big thank you

Now you're NEVER going to believe this - two packages on the same day sent by the same person but a week apart!!!!  No, not that bit - that's easy to believe with American Snail AND Royal Fail post!!!  What you won't believe is the colours of the threads so I'm going to show you.  They totally and utterly zing a ding ding and in fact look even better than in the scan.  Jessi has them on sale in her Etsy shop here.  Well, perhaps not the exact same colours but another huge tempting range!!

I had to scan the one envelope that they came in too because Jessi (the kind OG spoiler) has a wee daughter called Olivia who is somewhat of an artist.  You can see my beautifully decorated package below too.  In fact unlike my normal behaviour (rip it open!!!) I scanned this before I  opened the packet in case I ruined the picture.  I didn't anyway so that's a relief - it remains intact.

In the second wee packet were some googly eyes, sequins etc - I'll be going completely googly myself after Guni sent me some t'other day!!!  These are different and have a small sort of space on the back (you can see on the bottom scan below).  I can see how you can pull a picot through that already.  See also the wee heart sewn onto the bag?  That's Jessi's single shuttle heart.

Thank you SO MUCH, Jessi - do hope you make it to Palmetto so that we can meet. 

18 May 2012


Rabbits - or in this house, wabbits!!!  Yes, that's what I have for today!!!

Fortunately they haven't bred like wabbits (yet) and I hope they don't as I can't afford the lettuce needed to feed them!!!

Just read that last paragraph and I think I'm going (or, have gone) senile!!!!  Anyway, here they are - 2 sizes again!!!!!

There are more doodles waiting in the queue so don't go away!!!  Next week should see the finish of them all and then I have two more projects to share!!!

17 May 2012

Squirrel and Acorn

Doodle service will now be resumed!!!!  

Today I bring you a squirrel.  Sorry, no, let me start again.  Today I bring you TWO squirrels and an acorn.  That's a bit of a cheat really as it's the same squirrel but in two different sizes!!!!  The acorn is the same size and is drop dead simple.  

Here they are and the link is here.

16 May 2012

Interruption to doodles!!!

I know I was going to show you doodles all week but I'm afraid there's going to be an interruption today!!!  Why?  Well because I've got something to show off.  Blatantly and proudly show off.  Anyway I think you're all getting bored with doodles as there haven't been many comments lately and I think a lot of people have either wandered off or fallen asleep!!!

Yesterday the postie came to our house - without any bills (they all seem to appear in my inbox nowadays) but with a small box from America.  Inside was a shuttle from Chris and Erin Hinton - with MY NAME on it.  It's one of 'those' shuttles that you can't help stroking and stroking - very tactile.  I think it must be to do with the wood as that's what happens when Sally and 'im in the garage send me the Pop A Bobbins - I have to stroke them too.  

Ah, I've got it - I'm a 'secret shuttle stroker'.  Does this mean I've got a mental health problem or is it normal, do you think?  Here is the shuttle - both sides.  Wonderful.

15 May 2012


Nearly forgot to get today's blog post done.  Had a bad day yesterday and 'lost my lunch' after taking pills for a headache.  I don't get headaches very often and did yesterday - the pills just didn't like me and I didn't like them apparently!!  So that put me in bed for the afternoon but I bounced back after a kip!!!

So, today I have an angel - on the lines of yesterday's doodles.  Also a star - again using my favourite lock chains.  OOOOPS, nearly forgot the link although you can get to it from the main doodles page - IF I've remembered to upload that as well!!!!

Other work (new stuff) is also happening and I'll show you that when I've finished with doodles - probably finish with those by this time next week.

14 May 2012

Man & Woman Doodles

Back to the doodles again and today I've got a little man and a woman.  I think this is an intriguing tat as it might 'stretch' the person making them.  Only a bit but it does reveal the 'darker' side of brain cell # 3!!!!
Have I told you?  I love lock chains!!!!  They're specially 'useful' for doodles I think.  More options as they're so much slimmer than regular chains and a lot prettier too when using two colours or variegated threads.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.