Yesterday I re-drew the heart in the ring - here it is. I wasn't happy with the previous tryouts as the three SR's (8, 9 & 10) looked rather clumsy and forced me to use the split chain. You will see above that I have turned the SR6 into a SCMR to try and avoid this. All changed yet again when I started to tat this drawing! I made SR8 much smaller as shown in order to get a more defined 'dip' in the heart shape. After I'd worked the following chain out towards R9 I realised that this wasn't going to look very good so I undid that part and tried it again using a chain direct from the base SR5 and using a lock join to the two picots on SR6 & SR7. I carried on as it didn't look too bad!! Well, it didn't until I'd finished the whole thing!! I'm going to have to sort this bit out again tonight.
When I got to R10 I decided to try another SCMR instead of a ring. This has given me what I wanted - more 'bulk' at the top of the heart. By this time I decided it would be best to finiish off this tryout and take a look at it within the ring.
I put the heart in the ring tying it in the places I thought best. YIKES - horrid!! If you look carefully at the picture below you will see where I've tied it in AND tied 'suggested' additional joins to firm the whole thing up. Also you will see that the group of SR's (11, 12 & 13) and the chains before and after need to be 'sorted out'. I think I will probably have to 'get rid of' one of the SR's. So, what this means is that today I shall have to re-draw and alter the text accordingly to the whole pattern. Almost starting from scratch again.

Later the same day!!! I've now re-drawn the heart twice! If you take a look at the two drawings you'll see that I've removed two split rings down the sides and jiggled the top to add another two SCMR's. BUT having done the first one I realised that it would be a mess where the pattern meets in the dip. I tried to work the SR5 and then continue round the outside. When I got to the very end (back in the dip) I saw that it would be a mess!!! I then went back and re-drew this. Whilst drawing I always alter the text - using lots of question marks which remind me to check on the next tatting session!!! Next stage will be to test the last picture and the text together. I expect there will be other major alterations before this simple heart is finished.