13 July 2018

Starry button snowflakes

Now following on from yesterday's post (I'm too lazy to put a link in here so you're just gonna have to scroll down a little bit) I thought I'd try out this 'new' technique on one of my favourite patterns. 

Why a favourite? Well it includes buttons and beads which sit ON TOP of the button (as well as elsewhere). If I had a pound for every pair of starry button earrings I've made I'd be rich and be able to retire from tatting. Well, tatting is (to me) a full time occupation even if I don't get paid anything for it except through advertising links on this blog which pay for the web site - hint, hint to click, click!!!

Anyway, I'm digressing as usual - old gits tend to do that!!!! What I wanted to try this time is how yesterday's join affected adding the buttons. Well it does and it's a definite improvement as it 'sits' the ring firmly at the side of the button.  Below is a pair of Starry Button Earrings.

12 July 2018

Joining to buttons

Thanks to a misunderstanding whilst test tatting Martha's button patterns I made a technique page to illustrate what I thought she'd come up with.

Obviously I ran it past Martha when I'd done it but she said she didn't do it that way and then realised that she did!!! By the end of our conversation I think we were both confused!!!!

Anyway, I thought it was a great idea so I've added a new technique page to the pattern site. Here's the link to it.

11 July 2018

Anybody for tea?

I've not been drinking tea or anything during this hot weather. Well, only water seems to be drinkable!!!

I did have the pleasure of tatting this teapot for Martha's new book. Isn't it lovely? 

I have been so lucky with this test tatting as I've managed to have the right sized buttons and the thread to match too. 

10 July 2018

All done and dusted

I've done all these sets of coasters and am really pleased with them.

They are for the sale thingie in October and I thought I'd tie them up with some ribbon. They need some labels etc but I'm not doing those until the sewing stint is over!!!

9 July 2018

More ballerinas +

Three more ballerinas also went to my granddaughter on Saturday.

The performance was actually amazing in that it covered ballerinas (and other types of dancers) from three counties. The show was slick and extremely well choreographed with the most amazing costumes. 

A lovely day out with my daughter too as we managed to find some good charity shops. Two new dresses were bought but sadly they were too small for me. They fit Abbi a treat, though!!!! I really should look at labels first as they did say '10 to 11 year old' on them!!!!

Oh, I've treated you to a picture of the real ballerina today too!!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.